Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saffron Aioli

I always thought condiments were the unhealthiest things ever--and they can be, if you buy store bought condiments with a list of god knows what kind of ingredients they put in that thing. But over the years, I've really come to terms with the idea of balance. Balance in my life, in my relationships, and yes, even in my condiments. I also came to learn that the list of 12 ingredients that are listed on the back of mayo--well that's um...8 more ingredients than what is necessary for a homemade mayo.

I recently, in the past year, lost about 35+ lbs with diet and exercise, and the best part of this diet was that I never felt like I was dieting. I ate what I wanted (within reason), but controlled portions, and changed my cooking methods to include less of the things that really aren't necessary to make food taste good. There is eating for pleasure, and for hunger, and then there is EATING. The third kind...unnecessary.

Tonight I'm actually making burgers (recipe for that soon), but to make these a bit fancier, I thought an aioli would be fun. Typically, aioli's are best with fish and chicken--milder meats--but a tiny bit of aioli can give big flavor to anything really. An aioli, by definition, is mayo that has garlic. Some places will omit the garlic and add other things and pretend it's an aioli--but it's NOT an aioli if it doesn't have garlic. Without garlic, it's just a mayo with something added to it.

Saffron, in my opinion is one of the most beautiful spices. It's used fairly regularly in Persian cooking and baking. There's a wonderful aroma and amazing color to saffron--and while it's expensive, a tiny bit goes a long way. Historically, this spice originated in the Middle East, but is now used widely in cuisines worldwide. Saffron happens to also have a history as a remedy for many ailments (asthma, kidney problems, infertility), but research hasn't been done yet to prove that it is in fact effective for these problems. Recent research thought has actually found that saffron has properties that help in lowering cholesterol. (Clearly not in mayonnaise form though...)

Saffron Aioli
20+ servings depending on how much of it you use each time.


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2-1 tsp salt 
  • Freshly cracked pepper to taste
  • 1 clove garlic finely minced or grated
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/8 tsp saffron ground with a mortar
  • 2 Tbs hot water

  • Place saffron and 2 Tbs boiled water in a small bowl, and set aside to steep for 8-10 minutes
  • The next part can be done via blender, hand mixer, or whisk (if you trust your hardcore whisking skills), I did this with a hand mixer.
  • Add egg yolks, salt (start out with 1/2 tsp and add more at the end if necessary), pepper, garlic, lemon juice, and saffron/water mixture to a medium bowl.
  • Using you method of choice, beat well until combined and a bit thickened.
  • SLOWLY (especially in the beginning) drizzle olive oil while blender, mixer, or whisk is on and working at a medium-high speed. Stop adding oil after about each 1/4 cup just to make sure oil has been well absorbed and emulsified--you don't want to see breakage. 
  • Continue adding the rest of the oil in the same way while mixing constantly. The last minute or two, turn the speed on high and make sure everything is mixed well and has reached mayo consistency. 
  • Refrigerate prior to use for a couple hours, and store in an airtight container for up to one week. 

This was my first time making aioli/mayo.. .and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. I hope you guys enjoy this--and remember, balance is everything. It's okay to indulge a bit every so often, but watch portions, and if you can, make things at home so that you know what's going in it. I'll probably use 1/2-1 tsp for the entire burger--the flavor is this is PACKED. If you split this into about 20 servings, it's only about 77 calories per serving. As always, comments, suggestions, and thoughts are ALL welcome.


  1. Hope you keep up your blog! Me and my hubby are committed followers :)

  2. Thanks! Will do--it's starting to become therapeutic :)! Thanks so much for following!


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